
The Best Dermaplaning in the Gold Coast

Dermaplaning, also known as Dermablading or Epiblading is a physical exfoliation treatment. The process involves the use of a medical-grade blade to very gently remove or ‘shave’ the surface of your skin to remove any dead skin cells and peach fuzz/fine hairs.

Exfoliate Your Skin with Efficient Dermaplaning

All the Epiblading done at our Gold Coast clinic is administered by professionally trained technicians who have the skills and experience to ensure you have attentive service for better results. The blade is targeted at the face and is done freehand to ensure maximum control to pressure, number of passes and contact with eyebrows and nose.
This entire process usually takes around 30 minutes or so. It could take longer if it’s done with complementary treatments like a facial peel. Talk to our technicians to find one that suits your skin needs.

Why Choose Epiblading Treatments?

There are a number of benefits to individuals wanting to try out our Epiblading service.
  • This treatment is ideal for a wide range of complexions, even those with sensitive skin. It is known to be particularly effective for those with dry or rough skin.
  • This treatment is great for getting rid of the build up of dead skin cells. It also removes fine hairs which can help eliminate trapped dirt and oil on the face.

More Benefits of the Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is a great method of mechanical exfoliation

During a dermaplaning facial, our dermal therapist will gently guide a scalpel across the surface of your skin. This provides mechanical (physical) exfoliation, as opposed to chemical exfoliation.

Exfoliation gets rid of dad skin cells that can build up, clogging your pores and making your skin look dull. In fact, dermaplaning can exfoliate more evenly than other mechanical methods such as scrubs.

Dermaplaning removes facial hair

The scalpel removes vellus hair, which is short, thin, and often translucent. Vellus hair is also referred to as peach fuzz or baby hair and it can often be seen when you look closely at your cheeks, chin, and forehead.

Your hair will not be coarser when it grows back

Some people worry that removing facial hair will cause it to grow back thicker. That is not true, regardless of if you wax, thread, or use another hair removal method such as dermaplaning

Dermaplaning can be used on all skin types

Dermaplaning can be beneficial for all skin types. This treatment can improve a variety of concerns including dry skin, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles.
However, our skin specialists may advise you to postpone your treatment if you have active, inflamed acne.

Dermaplaning doesn't hurt

Though the use of a sharp scalpel may sound a bit intimidating, dermaplaning is painless.

It can be done during your lunch break

Dermaplaning treatments take approximately 40 minutes and there is no downtime. This means that you can easily incorporate dermaplaning into your busy schedule.
Since your hair will eventually grow back and dead cells will re-accumulate, additional appointments can help you maintain the best results.

Your makeup application can improve after treatment

Since dermaplaning removes the vellus hair from your face, you will likely notice an improvement in the application and appearance of any makeup that you apply.

Dermaplaning allows your skincare to penetrate deeper

Your skincare routine may be more effective after dermaplaning because the products that you apply will not be blocked by dead skin cells.All hail Ultraceuticals.

You should not do it yourself

Just no, 100% please don’t. Ask us a million questions but just cause you watched a “video” do it, doesn’t make you qualified.


Just Skyn Beauty Has All Your Dermablading Needs Covered

If you’ve been curious about dermablading, book an appointment at our Gold Coast clinic today! Our technicians can ensure you receive some of the best treatments. We also offer a free consultation so we can get to you and your skin before we perform any procedures.